At this time is a muffled thunder sounded.
The thunder was so powerful that the whole tomb shook slightly.
Zhou Yan’s muscles suddenly tightened again, and he heard a big noise.
It’s a stone moving sound, as if it sounded from the other end of the tomb.
Ji Fangwei immediately grabbed his hand and pulled it back. He walked ahead and said, "The door opened."
Pale light illuminates Shimen, and then slowly opens a deep tunnel, flickering candlelight in the stone wall.
Zhou Yan noticed that there was a small cave in the Shimen. It seems that the monster just got in through this small hole.
"This door should be controlled by thunder." Zhou Yan walked slowly forward and said, "Just now, thunder sounded and Shimen opened those monsters to get here."
Ji Fangwei said, "Go and see."
He boldly took the lead, and then Zhou Yan hid behind him. When it’s time to be unintelligent, he still needs to be unintelligent
After they left, Shimen moved slowly and two sleeping Yin and Yang fish Huo Ran opened his eyes in the sarcophagus silver basin.
The two men stepped into this unknown passage again. In front of it, it was dark and endless, but the fishy smell gradually increased and mixed with strong rancid smell.
Zhou Yan whispered, "It’s coming soon."
Another thunder.
The narrow hole in front suddenly flashed silver light!
Zhou Yan and Ji Fangwei both saw the same meaning in each other’s eyes.
It’s almost the end
Goo goo! Whoops! Ow!
One after another, animals howled from the dark hole, and they seemed to call for thunder in their own language.
Or other ancient behemoths, arrival
The answer lies ahead. Both of them involuntarily held their breath and walked quietly to the dark hole.
A cool breeze blew away the long depression and boredom in the narrow room.
Zhou Yan noticed that they seemed to have come to a huge department, and the monsters whined and formed ups and downs, and they kept spinning around here.
A flash tore the night and lit up the scene in front of Zhou Yan and Ji Fangwei.
They can’t help but stare big eyes.
This place seems to be the shining light of that group of peaks, from which tens of thousands of deformed monsters are reflected.
And these monsters are squirming and seem to be performing a strange worship ceremony.
The object of worship is a building in front.
A dark, huge and towering modern building.
You have something to say.
I met a super weird experience yesterday to share with you.
Recently, several old people died in the community, and wreaths and high-platform candles are often placed in the building.
At about one or two in the morning, I went to the door to take out the garbage
Although the weather has warmed up recently, it is still a little cold at night. Those candles are still burning in the shed at night, and some inexplicable music is playing.
After taking out the first garbage, I went back to the ladder and found that the only ladder was displayed on the 18th floor.
I felt something was wrong. After reciting the materialistic worldview several times, I took out the garbage for the second time.
When the fruit building, the ladder still shows the 18th floor.
I was a little panicked at this moment, because I packed the second bag of garbage and put it at the door, and it took only a few seconds for the kung fu ladder to stop at the 18th floor.
I’m a little scared of the code word here!
Go on, haha
Chapter 5 Chapter 5
Village tales of mystery 3
Where did they go?
When walking in the aisle, Zhou Yan had many speculations. For example, he might see a bigger tomb at the end of the aisle, or a strange building, but he never expected to see a modern building at the end of this ancient tomb.
The building in front of us is very strange. The circular walls are completely dark, and even the walls and windows are shrouded in black fog, standing in the mountains like a dead thing.
A flash flashed across the sky.
Zhou Yan once again saw the appearance of this building. It seems to be built on one side of the mountain instead of towering into the sky. There seems to be some special equipment on the rock wall that leads straight to the summit.
Because the mountains and buildings are dark, at first, Zhou Yancuo’s building reached the sky.
Those monsters were shining like a black ocean with silver flashes, and their scales reflected silver flashes.
They are not bowing down to the building, but saluting the lightning.
Zhou Yan couldn’t help looking up to see what they worship.
Zhou Yan pretended not to see his eyes and got up and analyzed, "When this Nanyan king died, he should have been wearing his front clothes, his nose and mouth covered with coins to cover his anger, and then he was holding this silver basin with yin and yang fish in his arms. What does it mean? Where is his body? "
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