Fight back? No player legion manor troops are simply not enough!
When are we going to hide?
"What about the landlord!" Old Brown shouted.
Zhuang not far away turned and asked, "Is there any way for Hao Ge to reconnect the network?"
"I’ve sent someone to connect the optical fiber, but I’m afraid it’s difficult to connect it." Li Hao shook his head.
Not far from Zhuang, he frowned and added, "But I still have an idea that this idea … is not mature enough to try."
"Try it!" Zhuang not far call way
"I need a magic turtle! Did the magic turtle eat! " Li Hao ran away.
"Master zhuang eye? Let’s hide first? "
"Who knows what tricks are there? And now it’s hard to have an advantage until the strength of Yan Yi is restored … "
Who knows when the "tidal heart" will recover?
"Leave it to me before Li Hao brings the players back."
Give it to you?
Master Zhuang, is there anything else you haven’t done?
Old brown is at a loss.
Zhuang gave him a white look. Does that mean that you are really the owner of the villa, and I am eating for nothing?
Not far from Zhuang, close your eyes slightly and then suddenly earn
"I will make a second appointment with my soul!"
In an instant, a virtual shadow appeared.
There are fallen manor war dogs everywhere in the shadow manor.
These war dogs lost control when they were disconnected.
The automatic control program of war giant dogs can’t cope with the complex and changeable war environment, but can control them to land on the ground
Many war dogs have been destroyed, but the driving dog has a disadvantage that it will explode when it is hit by a huge impact.
They are still very explosive, which will cause even more damage.
The soldiers in the shadow manor simply ignored these war dogs when they stopped moving.
At this time, these war dogs suddenly fell into a virtual shadow.
The virtual shadow fell into the war dogs, and soon these war dogs moved.
Not far from Zhuang, virtual shadows also emerged around him.
Men, women and children have them. They immediately went straight to the nearby fort after they appeared.
These figures are all people who have been wiped out not far from Zhuang, and now they are reappeared not far from Zhuang.
"I am a man with my own legion!" Not far from Zhuang, her hands rested on her hips and she laughed.
Now I’m at my wit’s end, but there are tricks not far from Zhuang!
This is the advantage of skill pool deepening!
But …
"Watch where you are going!"
"Hey, you run in a straight line! Don’t hit me … Boom! "
These people don’t know whether it’s good or bad to join. Each of these virtual shadows has its own different personality and ability. The only similarity is that most of them are not soldiers.
At this time, when driving a war dog, it is stumbling when running, and it is also everywhere.
However, there are more giant dogs in the good shadow manor war than in the manor. Even if they randomly bang into their own people, the chances are very small, and most of them still hit the enemy.
Of course, there are still many that fall into the block.
The sight in front of me is simply unbearable to look straight at Old Brown’s hand and bow his head for a long time. At this moment, he misses the player corps very much.
"Li Hao, you’d better hurry up. Can the network cable be connected?"
On the other hand, Li Hao finally found the magic turtle that had been hungry for several days from the (Migu) cruel ship.
"That’s the guy! Hold him down for me!" Being pulled by Li Hao as a helper (Gegu), the giant ape took the magic turtle out of the room. After so long, the magic turtle was very angry and put out its neck to bite (Gegu). After being struck by (Gegu), it retracted its head into the turtle shell and could not come out.
"Do you want this thing to restore communication?" With several engineers around Li Hao, I was confused.
"Don’t dismiss this guy! This guy may be the strongest communication method we have ever seen! " Li Hao said, "Do you think if our manor is connected with the old turtle, you will know the shadow manor?"
All one leng this just suddenly realize.
The magic turtle connection can penetrate the black fog shield!
"But how can this thing connect to the network?"
"Are you silly? What is this guy to communicate with? " Li Hao asked.
"What is a projection?"
"Light … light?"
Speaking of which, it’s white to be a fool again.
What is the biggest communication mode for human beings?
It’s not a sound.
It is light!
Almost all human data is communicated with the thick submarine optical cable through the buried ground.
And what is the optical cable communication? It is light!
"Are you going to use it as a … biological optical cable?"
In the face of this overwhelming war, the scalp of the giant dog Old Brown almost exploded.
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标题:《广州金沙洲月都桑拿:奢华与休闲的完美融合》 自古以来,桑拿浴就以其独特的养生保健功能深受人们喜爱。在广州,金沙洲月都桑拿以其奢华的设施、专业的服务、独特的文化氛围,成为都市人放松身心、享受生活的首选之地。今天,就让我们一起走进月都桑拿,感受那份奢华与休闲的完美融合。 一、奢华的设施,让您尽享尊贵体验 月都桑拿位于广州金沙洲,地理位置优越,交通便利。走进月都桑拿,首先映入眼帘的是宽敞明亮的大厅,高贵典雅的装饰风格让人仿佛置身于五星级酒店。桑拿房、汗蒸房、休息区、按摩区等一应俱全,为顾客提供全方位的休闲体验。 1. 桑拿房:月都桑拿设有多种桑拿房,包括芬兰桑拿、土耳其桑拿、韩式桑拿等,满足不同顾客的需求。桑拿房内设施齐全,配备专业的桑拿设备,让您在享受桑拿的同时,感受到前所未有的舒适。 2. 汗蒸房:月都桑拿的汗蒸房采用远红外线技术,通过加热使人体毛孔扩张,促进血液循环,达到排除体内毒素、增强免疫力的效果。在这里,您可以尽情享受汗蒸带来的健康与愉悦。 3. 休息区:月都桑拿设有舒适的休息区,配备软沙发、茶几、电视等设施,让您在桑拿、汗蒸之后,可以在这里放松身心,品尝美酒、享受美食。 4. 按摩区:月都桑拿提供专业的按摩服务,由经验丰富的按摩师为您解除疲劳,缓解压力。在这里,您可以享受到中式按摩、泰式按摩、日式按摩等多种按摩手法。 二、专业的服务,让您感受到家的温馨 月都桑拿始终坚持以顾客为中心,提供专业的服务。从顾客进入月都桑拿的那一刻起,热情周到的服务便贯穿始终。 1. 入门服务:月都桑拿设有专业的接待人员,为顾客提供详细的桑拿、汗蒸、按摩等项目的介绍,并协助顾客办理入店手续。 2. 桑拿、汗蒸服务:桑拿师、汗蒸师均经过专业培训,熟练掌握各项技能,确保顾客在享受桑拿、汗蒸的过程中,既能达到养生保健的目的,又能感受到舒适愉悦。 3. 按摩服务:月都桑拿的按摩师具有丰富的经验,能够根据顾客的需求,提供个性化的按摩方案。在按摩过程中,按摩师会密切关注顾客的反应,确保顾客在享受按摩的同时,感受到家的温馨。 三、独特的文化氛围,让您领略东方魅力 月都桑拿不仅注重设施和服务,更注重文化氛围的营造。在这里,您可以领略到东方文化的魅力。 1. 传统装饰:月都桑拿的装饰风格以传统中式为主,融合了古典家具、挂画、盆景等元素,营造出一种宁静、典雅的氛围。 2. 特色表演:月都桑拿定期举办各类特色表演,如茶艺表演、武术表演、舞蹈表演等,让顾客在享受休闲的同时,感受中华文化的博大精深。 3. 主题派对:月都桑拿还定期举办主题派对,如生日派对、情侣派对等,为顾客提供更多互动交流的机会。 总之,广州金沙洲月都桑拿以其奢华的设施、专业的服务、独特的文化氛围,成为都市人放松身心、享受生活的理想之地。在这里,您可以尽情释放压力,感受生活的美好。